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Organisation Based Security

Organisation security is based on the person's “organisation” in the overall hierarchy.
  • You permission an “organisation” to access a resource and everyone in that organisation can access that resource.
  • When you add new people to this organisation they will automatically gain access to the resource.

Organisation Security – Advantages

This scheme is advantageous when there are people in a specific organisation that need access to a resource.

When you create a user in that organisation you don’t have to set any specific permission for the user to access the resource, as the user will "inherit" access by being associated with the organisation.

Role Based Security


Role security is based on a role that you associate with the user. With this scheme, you first create one or more roles, and then associate each user with one or more of those roles.

By setting a default user role in your personal settings, the system will always assume that you are adding someone using a specific role when you add a new person to the system.


There are three advantages to role-based security:

  • You can make individuals, regardless of their organisation, members of a role and give them access to a resource.
  • When you move the user to another organisation, it does not affect their permission to access a resource.
  • Associating the role with the resource is less time consuming if the alternative is to associate the resource to many organisations.

For more information on System Security and Protection of Sensitive Information ,Physical Protection of Data.


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