Online Knowledgebase of your Research
We have two formats for you to store your research for easy retrieval.
OnLine Folders : Our Online folders, and sub-folders, look and almost feel like "Microsoft Explorer" folders on your desktop (we can even syncrhonize to most Windows Desktop computers). As with the electronic deal rooms and client extra-nets, you control who gets to upload files, who gets to see files, who gets to download files. This can be effective for precedents of documents and similar material.
WIKKI: You can have your own "wikkipedia" for your firm. Aggregate research results into topical wiki pages. If you have a problem, create a wikki page and ask professionals in your firm to update the page – must faster than co-ordinating multiple responses to a chain of emails.
knowledge base is searchable
All documents in your site are searchable – from your desk, your home, cottage or your Blackberry.
Data Import – we can import virtually any data from any system, from a database or Excel format.
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